Please select one of following plans, and send ceremony fee, then mail hitogata (and/or katashiro) to arrive before December 28th.
人形プラン$10〜 Hitogata Plan minimum $10.00
Toshikoshi-no-Ōharae ceremony using hitogata/katashiro.
A Shinto Priest will read each person’s name (or pet name for pet katashiro) during the ceremony. Following the ceremony, you will receive a certification of your participation by email.
年越プラン$20〜 Toshikoshi Plan minimum $20.00
Hitogata plan’s benefits and a pouch of purification salt.
難除プラン$50〜 Nanjo Plan minimum $50.00
Toshikoshi plan’s benefits and a Nanjo Ofuda (protective charm against ill fortune).
狐プラン$70〜 Kitsune plan $70.00
Toshikoshi plan’s benefits and blessed items: one tea bag from five kinds of plants, set of assorted tea bags (Mulberry, Wasabi, Lindera, Sweet Potato and Perilla all from Sankoen Tea. These assorted tea bags are all made in Shimane. Sankoen Tea is located in Matsue, Shimane prefecture, as is our parent shrine.
稲荷プラン$70〜 Inari Plan minimum $70.00
Toshikoshi plan’s benefits and a bag of Blessed Rice.
プレミアムプラン$100 〜 Premium Plan minimum $100.00
Hitogata plan’s benefits for up to four family members (including pets, vehicle, roommates) and receive a purification salt, Nanjo Ofuda, and bag of Blessed Rice.
Dear international participant(s), we kindly ask that you cover shipping costs for your plan (hitogata plan excluded). Thank you for your understanding. Please note that local customs regulations may prohibit the shipping of Chinowa and rice to some countries.