Shichigosan (Children's Blessing for ages 3, 5, 7) 七五三 
Hatsumiya Mairi (Baby Blessings) 初宮詣
Yakuyoke/Yakubarai (Blessing for the Ages of Misfortune/Yakudoshi) 厄除け・厄祓い
13 Mairi (Age 13 Celebration) 十三詣
Kanreki Iwai (Age Celebration) 還暦祝い
Anzan (Safe Childbirth Blessings) 安産祈願
Gōkaku Kigan (Passing Examinations) 合格祈願
Install a Kamidana and purify the Dōjō by performing the Safety and Success blessing ceremony 神棚奉斎(設置)祭・清祓・道場安全成功祈願祭
Seinen-sai (Coming of Age Celebration) 成年祭
Byōki Heiyu/Recovering from Illness 病気平癒
Kekkon Shiki (Wedding Ceremony) 結婚式
Pet Byōki Heiyu/Recovering from Illness ペットの病気平癒
Pet Kega Heiyu (Recovery from Injury) ペットのケガ平癒
Kai-un Shōfuku (Good Fortune Blessing) 開運招福
Kosazuke (Fertility/Blessing to have children) 子授け
Kaiten/Kaigyō (Blessing & Purification for New Business) 開店・開業・開所清祓
Gokoku Hōjō (Bountiful Harvests) 五穀豊穣
Install a Kamidana and purify your home by performing the Safety and Good Fortune blessing ceremony 神棚奉斎(設置)清祓・家内安全祈願祭
Install a Kamidana and purify the business by performing the Safety and Success blessing ceremony 神棚奉斎祭・清祓と店舗(レストラン、美容院、会社、事務所、営業所、工場、支社など)の商売繁盛・営業繁栄・安全祈願祭
Shōbai Hanjo, Eigyō Hanei (Business Success) 商売繁盛・営業繁栄
Kega Heiyu (Recovery from Injury) ケガ平癒
Shusse (Career Success) 出世
Enmusubi (Solidifying a romantic connection) 縁結び
Kaijō Anzen (Safety at Sea) 海上安全
Shingan Jōju (Granting of wishes) 心願成就
Oreimairi (Visit of Gratitude) & Otakiage (Bonfire Ritual)御礼参りとお焚きあげ
Kōtsu Anzen (Safe driving) & Kuruma Kiyobarai (Blessing for Car) 交通安全と車両清祓
Tairyō Manzoku (Good Catches of Fish) 大漁満足
Satsuei Anzen and Seikō Kigan (Safety During Filming, and Success of filming and film) 撮影安全・成功祈願
Hitto Kigan (Box Office Success) ヒット祈願
Kanai Anzen (Family health and safety) 家内安全
Ryōen Jōju (Finding good relationships) 良縁成就
Shikinen-sai (Anniversary Matsuri of Passing) 式年祭
Jichin-sai (Groundbreaking) 地鎮祭
Chōju Iwai (Age Celebration) 長寿祝いKenkō/Chōju Kigan (Good Health and Longevity) 健康・長寿祈願
Dōjō Anzen Success Kigan (Dōjō Safety) 道場安全成功祈願祭
誕生日の御祝いご祈祷 Birthday Celebration
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