First 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai in 2025

December 22, 2024

Wednesday, January 1st, at 11:30 am (PST)

On Wednesday, January 1st, at 11:30 am (PST), we will hold our first Tsukinami-sai of 2025 at our booth in Little Tokyo.

Tsunami-sai is where we show our respects, express gratitude, and communicate our desires to the Kami-sama 神様- the Nature Spirits. This ceremony is open to the public. It will be recorded for our archive but not live-streamed.

Oshōgatsu events

   "Japanese New Year Celebration: Oshōgatsu in Little Tokyo"
in Los Angeles, California!

Day: Wednesday, January 1st, 2025

Time: 9:30 am to 2:30 pm
日時:2025年1月1日(水)午前 9 時半〜 午後 2 時半
歳旦祭(さいたんさい):午前 10 時から 10 時半
月次祭(つきなみさい):午前 11 時半から 12 時
御守・御札・縁起物の頒布:午前 9 時半〜 午後 2 時半
初詣:午前 9 時半〜 午後 2 時半
ご祈祷:午後 1 時半から午後 2 時半(要予約)

場所:『お正月 in リトル東京』

(Astronaut Ellison S Onizuka St., Los Angeles)内、アメリカ出世稲荷神社ブース

We will have a Shrine altar booth and a Juoyohin booth. At the Juyohin booth, Ofuda, Engimono, and Omamori will be available. We have a limited number of New Year's Goshuin. You can return old Shinto items for Otakiage at the booth. The Juyohin booth is CASH ONLY.

The Shrine altar booth is where you can give osaisen and make your New Year's prayers. You will also have the rare opportunity for in-person Gokitō!  If you would like Gokitō at this event, please fill out this form and submit your application before December 28th.

In the morning (10 am to 10:30 am) we will hold 歳旦祭 Saitan-sai, the first Shinto ceremony in the new year to show our respect, communicate our gratitude, and pray to the nature spirits/Kami-sama for happiness, good fortune, prosperity, good health, and world peace throughout the New Year.

Later (11:30 am to Noon), we will hold our January 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai, where we show our respects, communicate our gratitude, wishes, dreams, and determination, and ask for blessings from Kami-sama (Nature Spirits) for everyone, especially for our members!

These ceremonies are open to the public. They will be recorded for our archive but not live-streamed.

Pop-up shrine location:
123 Astronaut Ellison S Onizuka St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Open 9:30 am to 2:30 pm

May the Nature Spirits/Kami-sama be with you!

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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