Bonfire Ritual (Otakiage)
Do you have ofuda, omamori, engimono (e.g. kumade bamboo rakes, hamaya arrows) that you have held onto for several years? Kami-sama dwell in these items that you receive from a Shinto Shrine. We must express our gratitude for the Kami-sama’s daily support and assistance. That is why we replace ofuda, omamori, and engimono with new ones once a year. After one year, the connection created between the Kami-sama and the item fades. To express gratitude, bring or mail these items back to the Shinto Shrine. Shinto Items should be returned to the Shrine for Otakiage after one year. Please wrap them carefully because they are still linked to the Shrine. We have return inner envelopes you can use for this purpose. Order the envelopes here.
If possible, return Juyohin to the shrine from which it was obtained. However, sometimes this is not possible, so you may return them to our shrine for proper respectful disposal.
(Please reference how to replace last year's Ofuda here)
At our shrine, we provide a bonfire ritual. During this bonfire ritual, the Shinto priest conveys words of gratitude to the Kami-sama dwelling within the ofuda, omamori, and engimono, recites a norito to request the Kami-sama to return to their original shrine, and burns the items in the bonfire while bidding farewell to the Kami-sama.
If you would like to return your ofuda, omamori, and/or engimono to have them disposed of properly through the bonfire ritual, please kindly send them to our shrine office with ceremony donations or bring them with you when you attend the ceremony in person.
Instructions for returning Shinto Items:
Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America
9854 National Blvd. #284
Los Angeles, CA 90034
If you are donating using PayPal, please tell us that the donation is for Otakiage on the contact page or enclose a note in the package.
Please donate a minimum of $10 for the Bonfire Ritual (additional donations appreciated). We accept donations via check or PayPal Giving Fund. Please do not send cash.
Payable to: Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America
PayPal link or use below QR code for PayPal donation. Please do not send cash.
Note: Since it is a donation, we will not send an invoice.
神札やお守り、縁起物(熊手、破魔矢など)を持ち帰った後、何年も放置していませんか? 神札やお守り、熊手や破魔矢など神社で授与されたものには、神様が宿っています。日々のご加護とご助力に感謝しましょう。そして、1年を目処に新しい神札・お守り・縁起物に取り替えましょう。1年が経過する頃には、神様と結ばれた御縁が薄まっていきます。感謝の気持ちを伝え、神社に持参するか郵送します。
Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America
9854 National Blvd. #284
Los Angeles, CA 90034
Payable to: Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America
Paypalはこちらから または下記QRコードをスキャンください。