
New Year's Ceremony Volunteers Needed!

Volunteer for Shinto Ceremonies! アメリカ出世稲荷神社では、今年もお正月にリトル東京に神社ブースを出して、皆様の初詣の機会をご提供します。神社ブースを手伝っていただけるボランティアを募集しています。 We are seeking volunteers for our New Year's event at Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, California. This is a RARE opportunity to learn about Shinto. The best way to learn about Shinto is to experience it! New Year’s Day is a significant day in Shinto, so there will be a […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies

Join us for the August Tsukinami-sai 月次祭

Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Our August Tsukinami-sai will be held on Thursday, August 1st at 7 PM (PDT) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us here. ( At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, wishes, dreams and determination, and ask for blessings from Kami-sama (Nature Spirits), for everyone and especially for our members! […]

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Join-it Membership Software Announcement

We have partnered with Join It for our new membership management software!     This move has replaced both Patreon and Regular membership. The membership records have been migrated from both platforms, but we'd like you to update things such as your payment information, phone number, preferred name, pronouns, and gender. The Shrine Patreon page was shut down in July 2024. […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Matsuri

Please join us for the July Tsukinami-sai 月次祭

Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Our July Tsukinami-sai will be held on Monday, July 1st at 7 PM (PDT) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us here. ( At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, wishes, dreams and determination, and ask for blessings from Kami-sama (Nature Spirits), for everyone and especially for our members! […]

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Announcement | Matsuri

Please join us for the April 4th Tsukinami-sai 月次祭

Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Tsukinami-sai held on Thursday, April 4th at 7 PM (PDT) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us here. ( At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, wishes, dreams and determination, and ask for blessings from Kami-sama (Nature Spirits), for everyone and especially for our members! During the ceremony, we […]

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Announcement | Videos

成人式 Seijin shiki: Coming of Age

Seijin shiki is a celebration ceremony that congratulates and encourages those who have reached the age of maturity in Japan.

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Announcement | Inari Dojo

稲荷道場Inari Dōjō “大祓詞Ōharae-no-kotoba” Session has begun!

“Episode 1: Introduction and History”  Released to Public on our YouTube channel ShintoInari  On Friday, July 31st, we have launched our Inari Dōjō, which is a virtual Dōjō with lectures about Shinto, Japanese culture, customs, traditions, and language as well as Japanese pop culture! Our first Dōjō session will be “Ōharae-no-kotoba Session, Episode 1: Introduction […]

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Supporter Club website and Patreon page have launched 

June 20th, 2020 is said to be a day of 一粒万倍Ichiryūmanbai -- an auspicious day in the Japanese calendar to begin a new endeavor.  As such, the nature-friendly spiritual group, Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America (a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) is delighted to announce our new projects! Our supporter club has named “Kitsune […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Matsuri

2020's 夏越之祓Nagoshi-no-Harae is coming up! -This year, we need this more than ever! -

Purify and recharge your spirit for the summer!! From ancient times, the Japanese people practiced 夏越之祓Nagoshi-no-Harae, a prayer to purify and to rid themselves of the first half of the year’s 厄難yakunan (illness, accident, fight etc…) or “bad luck” and kegare, or “withered spirit”. Over the course of the first half of the year, the […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

YouTube Live Stream of Shinto Ceremony 夏祭りNatsu-Matsuri / Summer Blessing on Tuesday, June 9th, 2020 at 7:00pm (PDT)

On Tuesday, June 9th, Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America will hold its annual 夏祭りNatsu-matsuri (Summer Blessing) Shinto ceremony to show our respect and appreciation to the nature spirits / Kami-sama and ask them to bless us with success and a bountiful harvest.  We will also ask that they protect us from natural disasters […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

YouTube Live of Monthly Shinto ceremony Tsukinami-sai: Showing Respect and Appreciation and Asking for Blessings from the Nature Spirits. Monday, June 1st, 2020 at 12:00pm (PDT)

Monday, June 1st, Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America will hold monthly Tsukinami-sai Shinto ceremonies to show respect and appreciation, and ask for blessings from the nature spirits. We plan to live stream the ceremony on YouTube starting at 12:00pm (PDT) on the channel “ShintoInari”. We hope that you can pray with us wherever you […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

YouTube Live of Monthly Shinto ceremony Tsukinami-sai Showing Respect and Appreciation and Asking for Blessings from the Nature Spirits on Friday, May 1st 2020 at 12:00pm (PDT)

From Friday, May 1st, Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America will begin holding  monthly Tsukinami-sai Shinto ceremony to show respect and appreciation and ask for blessings from the nature spirits. We plan to stream the ceremony live on YouTube starting at 12:00pm on the channel “ShintoInari”. We hope that you can pray with us […]

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