Books, Shimenawa, wearable items, etc..
Our children's book, handbook, and milestone album are good for all ages to learn Shinto. In addition, please support us by purchasing and wearing our items.

If you would like to request to obtain our Shinto Items, please use the Request Form. Make sure to indicate size if applicable.

After we've received your request form, we will send an email and donation invoice including shipping and handling fees via PayPal.

2025's Good Fortune Calendar - 2025年開運招福カレンダー
Donation/初穂料:$20.00 each

The 2024 Good Fortune Calendar is now available for preorder. It's filled with information and beautiful pictures. Preorder yours today!

- Our Shinto events, so you won't miss the ceremony!
- Each event's information
- Praying methods & etiquette
- Japanese & American National Holidays
- Lucky days

We request a $20 minimum donation, including shipping within the US.
For international, we ask for shipping in addition to your $20 donation.

We will only have as many calendars printed as we need.
Please order right away! 

You can request yours at

NEW!! Goshuinchō 御朱印帳
Donation/初穂料: $30.00 each

You can collect our Goshuin using our Shrine's original Goshuinchō!


Bilingual Children’s Book "Japanese Tradition, Culture & Customs"

This book is a great guide book for beginners of Shinto for all ages including grownups.



Bilingual Children’s Coloring Book "Japanese Tradition, Culture & Customs Coloring Book"
Donation/初穂料:$20.00 each

This book is a great guide book for beginners of Shinto for all ages including grownups.


Ōharae-no-kotoba Handbook  大祓詞ハンドブック

This is good for companion of our Ōharae no kotoba session which will be coming soon on our YouTube channel “ShintoInari”.

Size 5.5 x 8.5 inch

Visit Record and Milestone Album 人生の節目アルバム お詣りの記録

This is an excellent resource and life record for you and your family, and the perfect way to welcome a new baby into the world.

(size: 8 ½ x 11 inches)

T-Shirt (Green) “Respect Nature”

Promote respect for nature and our shared environment with this stylish olive T-shirt! The front is printed with our signature kitsune (fox) mascots and the message “Respect Nature” in both English and Japanese.

T-shirt (2017's limited edition)

This t-shirt is 2017's limited edition. We made this for a celebration of our character debut in Japan. Only 1 left. Hurry!

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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