
99%Invisible features our head priest 99%Invisibleに宮司が出演しました!

Recently, our own Rev. Izumi Hasegawa was interviewed about Shinto in an article “Return of the Yokai” for 99% Invisible, one of the most popular podcasts on iTunes! Read more and listen here:

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Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri | Report

明けましておめでとうございます。Happy New Year! 2019 

We held Saitan-sai on January 1st at Little Tokyo for praying everybody’s prosperity, safe and healthy life as well as world peace. We wish you a new year filled with prosperity and happiness! Arigato for all to come and pray at our booth. Arigato for volunteers to help our booth where was extremely popular in the […]

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Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri | Report

秋祭り&七五三詣 Aki (Autumn) Matsuri & 753 (Shichi-Go-San) ceremony

We held the Aki (Autumn) Matsuri and 753  (Shichi-Go-San) ceremony.  At Aki Matsuri, we showed appreciation all harvest, success and improvement in 2018 as well as praying great harvest, success, improvement and world peace in 2019 to Kami / spirits. This is the traditional custom and culture which Japanese has been passing along from ancient. At Shichi-Go-San, we […]

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