Please join us at our ceremonies.
遙か昔から日本人が代々受け継いできた伝統文化・習慣が急速に失われつつある昨今。私達の世代で消滅させてしまうのか、次の世代に伝えていくかの選択の時期が来ているのではないでしょうか。 自然の力に感謝し、次の世代に伝えるきっかけにしてください。
Show Respect and Appreciation to mother nature on Earth Day
If more people are willing to follow this traditional way of living, the world will shift to value and protect nature, stop climate change, save endangered species, and embrace clean energy, sustainability and environment!
Passing along eco-conscious traditions to the next generation.
Shinto is a mindset and way of living with respect for nature, living things and our ancestors, and it has long been recognized as Japan’s cultural root. Unlike Buddhism, Christianity, or other religions, Shinto has no holy texts, and there is no individual founder. It is said that Shinto has been practiced for more than 2,000 years.
One of the most important elements of Shinto is paying respect and seeking harmony between people and nature, among our families, communities, and the world. In today’s society, the need to strive for these goals has become more apparent than ever before. We hold various events introducing the traditional Japanese eco-conscious way of life so that future generations can enjoy nature as we do. Details about Shinto and these events can be found on our Newsletter, website, and social media.