2024’s Good Fortune Calendar 2024年開運招福カレンダー

Donation/初穂料:$20.00 each

The 2024 Good Fortune Calendar is now available for preorder. It’s filled with information and beautiful pictures. Preorder yours today!

– Our Shinto events, so you won’t miss the ceremony!
– Each event’s information
– Praying methods & etiquette
– Japanese & American National Holidays 
– Lucky days

We request a $20 minimum donation, including shipping within the US.
For international, we ask for shipping in addition to your $20 donation.

Calendars are printed on demand – we will only have as many printed as we need. 
Please order right away! Preorders will end on December 10th. 


You can request yours at https://shintoinari.org/shinto-items/form/

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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