I would like to visit your Shrine but I can't find the address

Currently there is no place you can visit. In the meantime you are welcome to join in the online events. At least one event is held every month. Please subscribe to the mailing list and our YouTube Channel Shinto Inari to get notifications. You can also follow us on social media -- @ShintoInari. When the pandemic is over and it is safe for people to gather, you may join in person if you live near or are visiting Los Angeles during the time an event occurs.

We started fundraising projects to build a Shinto Shrine and create a Mobile Shrine. Your support is very much appreciated.   We will form a Shinto Shrine Building Project Team involving crowdfunding, writing grant application, and more. The completed shrine building will have the contributors' and Project Team members' names prominently displayed.

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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