誕生日の御祝いご祈祷 Birthday Celebration

今年も誕生日を迎えられたのは、神さまのご加護があったからこそです。誕生日の御祝いに神さまに神恩感謝を伝え、開運招福・成功のご祈願をしましょう。当神社ではお誕生日の御祝いのご祈祷をご奉仕しています。 Every birthday in life is a blessing from Kami-sama. Let’s hold the Shinto ceremony to communicate our gratitude to Kami-sama and ask for blessing of good fortune, as well as success. The ceremony has a minimum donation of $100 plus shipping when applicable and includes one Omamori. If you would like the ceremony to be […]


Every birthday in life is a blessing from Kami-sama. Let’s hold the Shinto ceremony to communicate our gratitude to Kami-sama and ask for blessing of good fortune, as well as success.

The ceremony has a minimum donation of $100 plus shipping when applicable and includes one Omamori. If you would like the ceremony to be held at your location, the minimum donation is $500.

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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