Satsuei Anzen and Seikō Kigan (Safety During Filming, and Success of filming and film) 撮影安全・成功祈願

In Japan, we have the tradition to receive blessings by the Shinto priest before we start filming to pray safety and success for the film. It makes the crew's bond stronger as well.

California, especially the Los Angeles area, is well-known for its filmmaking, and many people's hard work contributes to the filming of television programs and movies. Either an individual or the crew may pray to Kami-sama for safe and successful filming from “Action!” to “That’s a wrap!” as well as for the box office success of the movie or TV show. This ceremony also makes the crew's bond stronger.

*Hold at your location or remotely.

The ceremony when held remotely has a minimum donation of $100. If the ceremony is held at the location the minimum donation is $500.

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