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April 22nd, 7 pm (PDT) , 2nd annual "Dear Earth" ceremony: 第2回アース・デー地球感謝祭 Live stream of Shinto ceremony to Show Appreciation to mother nature on Earth Day

Show your respect and appreciation to our planet! On Earth Day, we will hold a ceremony アース・デー地球感謝祭 Dear Earth. Please join us to renew your commitment to our planet! The Dear Earth ceremony will be held April 22nd, 7 PM (PDT) at our YouTube channel ShintoInari This closing talk will be open to the public. […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

2021 April 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai

Please join us for our monthly ceremony, Tsukinami-sai on April 1st at 7pm PDT on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel! Tsukinami-sai is the monthly Shinto ceremony to show respect and appreciation and ask for blessings from the nature spirits/Kami-sama. When you visit Shinto Shrine, you put some Osaisen into the donation box, so when you […]

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