April 22nd, 7 pm (PDT) , 2nd annual "Dear Earth" ceremony: 第2回アース・デー地球感謝祭 Live stream of Shinto ceremony to Show Appreciation to mother nature on Earth Day

April 10, 2021

Show your respect and appreciation to our planet!

On Earth Day, we will hold a ceremony アース・デー地球感謝祭 Dear Earth. Please join us to renew your commitment to our planet!

The Dear Earth ceremony will be held April 22nd, 7 PM (PDT) at our YouTube channel ShintoInari

This closing talk will be open to the public. We have a guest speaker from Southern California Fukushima Kenjinkai, who will talk about the Fukushima Renewable Energy Project ~From Fukushima to the World.~

Fukushima has been having a challenging time because of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, especially the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Fukushima prefecture has started the Fukushima Renewable Energy Project. So everyone, please stay for the closing talk.

You can visit Southern California Fukushima Kenjikai on Instagram or Facebook.

When you visit a Shinto Shrine, you put some Osaisen into the donation box, so when you join the service, please follow the custom. Your contributions allow us to keep holding services!!

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Arigato gozaimasu!

May the Kami-sama be with you!

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