Announcement | Events

Now accepting applications for 2022 年越の大祓 Toshikoshi-no-Ōharae – Your hitogata must arrive before December 28th.

Purify and recharge your spirit for the year From ancient times, the Japanese people practiced 年越の大祓Toshikoshi-no-Ōharae, a prayer to purify and rid themselves of the year’s yakunan, or “bad luck” (illness, accident, injury, fight, misfortune etc.), and kegare, or “withered spirit.” Over the previous six months since Nagoshi-no-Harae, the energy of a person’s spirit is diminished by tiredness, stress, […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

2022 November 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai

Join us at Tuesday, November 1st, 7pm (pacific) for November Tsukinami-sai. Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Tsukinami-sai held on November 1st at 7pm (pacific) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us to when it’s time for the ceremony!  At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, determination to improve ourselves, and ask for blessings […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events

秋祭 Aki-matsuri (Thanksgiving) 2022 & 注連飾りワークショップShimekazari Workshop & Volunteer Opportunity

秋祭 Aki-matsuri (Thanksgiving) 2022 Saturday, November 12th, 2022 at 5:00 pm (Pacific) On Saturday, November 12th, we held 秋祭 Aki-matsuri & 注連飾りワークショップ Shimekazari Workshop (in person)!At 秋祭 Aki-Matsuri / Thanksgiving, we communicated our gratitude for a bountiful harvest, improving ourselves, new friendships and successes, as well as blessing of good fortune, and happiness to Kami-sama (the […]

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Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

2022 October 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai

Join us at Saturday, October 1st, 7pm (pacific) for October Tsukinami-sai. Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Tsukinami-sai held on October 1st at 7pm (pacific) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us to when it’s time for the ceremony! At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, determination to improve ourselves, and […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events


今年も七五三の季節がやって来ました! アメリカ出世稲荷神社では、 今年も七五三のご祈祷パッケージを ご用意いたしました。 七五三、おめでとうございます! 七五三は「着物を着て写真を撮るだけの日」ではなく、子どもの成長を感謝し、更なるご加護をご祈願するために晴れ着(着物)を着て、「神々への感謝を伝えるために神社にお詣りをする日」です。 日本の伝統文化を次世代に正しく伝えましょう! アメリカ出世稲荷神社では、神々への感謝を伝え、更なるご加護を祈願するご祈祷と着物&写真撮影のパッケージをご用意しました。 パッケージには、以下が含まれています。 七五三ご祈祷(授与品付き) 着物レンタル&着付け* ヘア&メイク* カメラマンが撮影した写真データ(ご祈祷中含む)** *着物レンタル&着付け&ヘア&メイクはFumiFumiが担当します。 **ご家族のスマホ1台に当日撮影した写真のデータをその場で転送します。(写真はリタッチ、修正されてないものになります)。写真のプリントアウトをご希望の方は、追加料金が発生します。 料金: ・3歳 $360 ・5歳 $360 ・7歳 $420 ※着物をお持ち込みでも料金は変わりません。 着物のチョイスはこちら 日時: 11月12日(土)午前中〜3時半頃 (午後5時から秋祭りを斎行します。ご自由にご参列ください) 11月13日(日)午前中〜3時半頃 ※ご希望の時間は先着順になります。ご希望の時間が埋まっている場合は、こちらから空いている時間をご連絡します。 会場:Echo Hall Gardena 15016 Nader Pl, Gardena, CA 90249 お申し込みは以下のボタンをクリックしてください。 ※パッケージをお申し込みされた方は、FumiFumiよりご連絡が行きます。 キャンセル料について ご祈祷・撮影日の5日前からキャンセル料として50%をお支払い頂きます。同3日前のキャンセルは全額のお支払いとなります。ご了承ください。 当日、お守り・神札等の授与、厄祓いや安産等のご祈祷をご希望の方は神社までご相談ください。 対面でのご祈祷のご奉仕は年に数回しかありませんので、この機会をぜひご利用ください。 神社からのお知らせメールのサインナップはこちらからどうぞ

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events

2022 September 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai

!! DATE CHANGE !!  Join us at Sunday, September 4th, 7pm (pacific) for September Tsukinami-sai. Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Tsukinami-sai held on September 4th at 7pm (pacific) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us to when it’s time for the ceremony!  This special video has the visual perspective of a participant in the […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Events | Matsuri

夏祭り(8月14日)ご祈祷承ります! Summer Festival at Tanaka Farms (August 14th), now accepting appointments for Gokitō in person!!

We will have our Shrine booth at Nova Vita Foundation Summer Festival in Tanaka Farms. This is the “REAL” Natsu Matsuri. We celebrate the nature spirits with traditional Japanese culture. This is a rare opportunity to participate in the Shinto ceremony and have a Gokitō in person!! Gokitō spots are limited, and available first come […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Matsuri

2022’s 原爆犠牲者慰霊祭&平和祈願祭Irei-sai & Peace Prayer August 5th & 8th

On Friday, August 5th, 4:10 pm (PDT) we will hold a Peace Prayer and Memorial Ceremony to reconfirm our commitment to world peace and to pray for the spirits of those who lost their lives on the 77th anniversary of the atomic bomb attacks on Hiroshima (August 6th, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9th, 1945). The […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Matsuri

2022 August 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai

!! TIME CHANGE !!  Join us at 5pm (pacific) for August Tsukinami-sai. Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Tsukinami-sai held on August 1st at 5pm (pacific) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us to when it’s time for the ceremony! At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, determination to improve ourselves, […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Matsuri

2022 July 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai

Please join us for our monthly ceremony! Tsukinami-sai held on July 1st at 7pm (pacific) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us to when it’s time for the ceremony!  At Tsukinami-sai, we show our respects and communicate our gratitude, determination to improve ourselves, and ask for blessings from Kami-sama (Nature Spirits), for everyone and especially for […]

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Announcement | Ceremonies | Matsuri

2022’s 夏越之祓 Nagoshi-no-harae

Purify and recharge your spirit for the summer!! Please join us for our once a year ceremony! 2022’s 夏越之祓 Nagoshi-no-Harae held on Thursday, June 30th at 7pm (pacific) on our “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. Please join us to when it’s time for the ceremony!  From ancient times, the Japanese people practiced 夏越之祓Nagoshi-no-Harae, a prayer to purify and to […]

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Announcement | Inari Dojo

Inari Dojo Mini Series Starting!

We are starting an Inari Dojo Mini Series. Rev. Hasegawa will answer questions we received about Shinto, or talk about things she’d like to share! The videos will be posted on an irregular schedule. Please ring the bell to subscribe to our Youtube channel for notifications.  What do you want to know about Shinto? If you have […]

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