Visit Record and Milestone Album 人生の節目アルバム お詣りの記録


“Visit Record and Milestone Album” is a bilingual album which can help pass along ecoconscious Japanese traditions, culture, and customs to the next generation. Through this album, you can learn important Japanese cultural milestones and create your own record of major life events such as Anzan Kigan (Safe Delivery), Hatsumiya Mairi (First Time visiting a Shinto Shrine to show appreciation to the nature spirits for a baby born), 七五三詣 (Shichi-Go-San Mairi, to show appreciation to the nature spirits of children's growth), 合格祈願 (asking blessings for Passing Examination), 成人祭 (Coming of Age Celebration), 厄年(Yakudoshi /Critical Years), 結婚式 (Wedding Ceremony), 還暦(Kanreki / 60th birthday), 百寿 (Momoju / 100th birthday), and more.

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