Omamori Gift Envelope

No donation required for the envelopes, but additional donation is always appreciated.

Free with Omamori

Use this envelope when the Omamori is a gift.

Please request an envelope along with the Omamori on the request form.

We offer blessing gokitō ceremony for each of the various Omamori. Please see the ceremonies page.

An Omamori’s virtue is tripled if it is given as a gift.

If you are gifting an Omamori, we can provide an Omamori envelope.

Please indicate the number of envelopes you would like to receive on the request form.

There is no donation required for the envelopes, but additional donation is always appreciated.

Please note that Fūfu Omamori box is too big for this envelope. (Please see the photos on the Fūfu Omamori pages).

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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