Ryokō (Travel) 旅行 

Donation/初穂料: $10.00 each

This Omamori is blessed for safe travels.


This item is temporarily out of stock. Request and we will order.

We offer blessing gokitō ceremony for safe travel following the traditional ritual way which has been passed down in our shrine. If you are going on a cruise ship, there is a Safety at Sea gokitō. Also see the ceremonies page.

Please keep Omamori close to you or with someone you want to receive its blessings . Attach or keep in a purse, backpack, cellphone, bike, or in a vehicle etc. One year after receiving an Omamori, we recommend you replace it with a new one. Please send back old Omamori to us for Bonfire Ritual.

An Omamori's virtue is tripled if it is given as a gift. If you are gifting an Omamori, we can provide an Omamori envelope. Please indicate the number of envelopes you would like to receive on the request form. There is no donation required for the envelopes.


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