Inari Kamidana Set 稲荷神棚セット

Donation/ 初穂料: $550.00 including blessing for Kamidana before shipping (excluding shipping and installation ceremony)

Kamidana is a small shrine for your home or workplace. This may include places such as offices, restaurants, shops, stores, or dojo.

Please display it high on a shelf on the north or west wall in your living room or workplace. If the floor above is occupied, write the kanji for cloud (雲) and place it on the ceiling in line with the roof of the model shrine.

Place the Ofuda inside of the Kamidana and offer fresh water, uncooked rice, and salt with Shinki set. Please ask us for more details.

This Kamidana is specialized for Inari.

Our Kamidana is blessed and purified. We recommend to hold Kamidana installation service when you set up the kamidana. For details are here for home, for business, for Dōjō.

Kamidana is built-to-order.


H40 x W36 x D21 cm (approx) 


This Kamidana set (see photo) includes the following items:

Small Shrine 宮形 x 1

Mirror 神鏡x 1

Mirror Stand 神鏡スタンドx 1

Kawarake かわらけ/平皿(plates for salt and uncooked rice) x 2

Mizutama 水玉/水器(vessel for water) x 1

Sakaki Tate 榊立て (vase for Sakaki branches) x 2

Artificial Sakaki branches 模造榊x 2

Heishi or Tokkuri 瓶子(sake decanter) x 2

Hassoku An 八足案 (offering Table) x 1

Torii 鳥居 x 1

Nobori 幟 (banner) x 2

Tōrō 灯籠 (lantern) x2

Okitsune-san お狐さん (yatte-san) x 2

If you are interested in obtaining Kamidana, please use the Shinto Items Request Form.

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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