2nd annual "Dear Earth" ceremony: 第2回アース・デー地球感謝祭 Live stream of Shinto ceremony to Show Appreciation to mother nature on Earth Day, April 22nd

March 20, 2021

Please join our Live Stream to show Appreciation to mother nature on Earth Day, April 22nd.

YouTube Link —-    https://youtu.be/euf1dH1i5vw

Channel —-  ShintoInari

Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America will hold a Shinto ceremony to show appreciation to our mother nature on Earth Day, Thursday, April 22nd, at 7 pm (PDT) at YouTube. We hope that you can join us wherever you are at the time.

Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Shinto is a mindset and lifestyle with gratitude, respect for nature, all living things and our ancestors. It has long been recognized as Japan’s cultural root. Unlike some other religions, Shinto has no holy texts, or founder. It is said that Shinto has been practiced for more than 2,000 years.

If more people are willing to follow this traditional way of living, the world will shift to value and protect nature, stop climate change, save endangered species, and embrace clean energy, sustainability and environment!

Your support makes people’s future better!

May Kami-sama (Nature Spirits) be with you!

THESE LIVE STREAM VIDEOS ARE EQUIVALENT TO VISITING A SHINTO SHRINE When visiting a shrine it's traditional to perform the following actions: Temizu/wash hands and mouth with water Face the proper direction (Los Angeles) Put a donation/Osaisen into the donation box (PayPal@shintoinari.org) Donations/Osaisen support our events & live streams!

We hold various events introducing the traditional Japanese eco-conscious way of life so that future generations can enjoy nature as we do. Details about Shinto and these events can be found on our Newsletter, website, and social media.

Please join and enjoy our events!!

Copyright© Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America. All right reserved.
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