Purify and recharge your spirit for the summer!!
From ancient times, the Japanese people practiced 夏越之祓Nagoshi-no-Harae, a prayer to purify and to rid themselves of the first half of the year’s 厄難yakunan (illness, accident, fight etc…) or “bad luck” and kegare, or “withered spirit”. Over the course of the first half of the year, the energy of a person’s spirit is diminished by tiredness, stress, and other pressures, so Nagoshi-no-Harae rituals are performed every June to cleanse and refresh this energy and recharge the spirit. Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America provides these traditional ceremonies with mystic rituals that have been passed down through the generations of our family.
One such ritual is the use of 人形 hitogata on which have been written the mystic words, “十種神宝Tokusa-no-kamdakara.” Hitogata are slips of paper cut into the shape of a person, and it is believed that the hitogata represents the person concerned. In the Nagoshi-no-Harae ceremony, the hitogata is thought to carry all of that person’s kegare.
[How to use hitogata/katashiro]
1. Download and print out hitogata and/or katashiro from our website.
hitogata download here
Pet katashiro download here
Vehicle katashiro download here
2. Cut out the hitogata and/or katashiro along the outline.
3. Write your name, street address (not PO Box) and age* on the front (Side with the red stamp) of hitogata/katashiro. Only one person/pet/car per Hitogata/katashiro.
4. Wipe on the body part one wishes to improve or renew with the hitogata or katashiro.
For example:
To use hitogata/Pet katashiro, one suffering from knee pain would wipe the hitogata on their knee, or, if they wish to be smarter, on their head while saying your wishes like "please heal my knee pain, please be smarter." etc. For pet, rub the pet with the katashiro if possible. The Premium packing can include pets at one of the four family members. Otherwise the minimum donation is $10 per pet.
To use vehicle katashiro, wipe the steering wheel while you are saying your wishes like "please no accident, no mechanic issues." etc… The minimum donation is $10 per vehicle.
5. Breathe upon the hitogata/katashiro. (For pet, the pet itself or owner may breathe upon the katashiro. For vehicle, owner or driver should breathe upon the katashiro).
6. Fill out application form, and select the package plan.
The application form is here and the package plan list is here!
Dear international participant(s), we kindly ask that you cover shipping costs for your plan (hitogata plan excluded). Thank you for your understanding. Please note that local customs regulations may prohibit the shipping of Chinowa and rice to some countries.
5. Prepare the donation ceremony fee. Do not send cash.
Check: Payable to Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America
PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/3405572
6. Mailed (it must reach us no later than June 27th)
*Eastern Age Count.
This year, we have blessed Tea bag set* from offerings, thanks to the contribution from Sankoen Tea!!
*Set will be:
Wasabi Tea | Made of 100% local Wasabi grown in Hikimi-cho, Shimane. Hikimi-cho is one of Japan's leading production area of Wasabi along with Shizuoka. Our Wasabi Tea has no pungent smell but mild mouthfeel with slight flavor of Wasabi. This product is suitable as a drink after meal because of its bactericidal effects. In recent years, attention has been focused on the diet effects of Wasabi. |
Shimon Tea | Made of 100% local Caiapo potato grown in Okuizumo-cho, Shimane. It is also called "Shimon" potato, which has strong antioxidation effects and thus said to be suitable for maintaining health, boosting immunity and lowering blood pressure. |
Kuromoji Tea | Made of 100% locally grown Kuromoji in Shimane, a plant in genus Lindera, known by the common name, "Spicewood". Kuromoji is used in Chinese medicine as it is said to be good for boosting liver function. In our area, Kuromoji Tea has been taken traditionally, because of its anti-bacterial effects. Kuromoji is also called "Japanese mint", thanks to its refreshing flavor. So it will make you feel relaxed due to its briskness. |
Shiso Tea | Shiso is a culinary variety of Perilla, a herb in mint family. This product is made of 100% locally grown red Shiso in Shimane, which is rich in polyphenol, strong antioxidant. As red Shiso is also rich in vitamins and iron, this product is especially suitable for ladies as a beauty drink. Its brisk flavor could make you feel relaxed. Good for a drink taken before going to bed. |
Kuwa Tea | Made of 100% mulberry leaf organically grown in Sakurae-cho, Shimane, Japan. This product is suitable for those who care blood sugar. Mulberry is also known to suppress blood pressure and blood lipids. It is rich in minerals like zinc or calcium and also in dietary fibers. It is an essential drink in modern lifestyle. |