Let's celebrate the New Season’s beginning, pray to get rid of bad spirits and pandemic by showing respect and gratitude to the Nature Spirits, Kami-sama!
We will hold a YouTube Live Stream of the Annual Shinto ceremony 節分祭 Setsubun-sai for 2022 on Thursday, February 3rd, 2022 at 7:00 pm (Pacific)!
Click here to join the ceremony when it's time!
On February 3rd, the Shinto Shrine of Shusse Inari in America will hold its annual Shinto ceremony: Setsubun-sai.
Setsubun (February 3rd in 2022) is a day before a new season begins.
Please join us in this once-a-year ceremony to celebrate the start of the beginning of a new season, as well as get rid of bad spirits and pandemic by showing our respect and gratitude through prayer to the Nature Spirits, Kami-sama.
We plan to live-stream the ceremony on YouTube starting at 7:00 pm (PST) on the “ShintoInari” YouTube channel. We hope that you can join us wherever you may be at the time.
The Closing Talk of this ceremony will be about the name of each structure in a Shinto Shrine, part 2. This follows Part 1 on the 1st, after 月次祭 Tsukinami-sai.
The Closing Talk is only be open to members.
Your contributions allow us to hold more ceremonies, and make our dreams of building a Shinto Shrine in Los Angeles come true!! You can now use Paypal Giving Fund to donate without fees with using the below QR code or this link.
Arigato gozaimasu!
Around this time, Japanese people who reach Yakudoshi (Ages of Misfortune) receive blessings for Yaku-Barai/Yaku-Yoke, to get rid of misfortune and yakunan (illness, accident, injury, fight, etc.) For more information about Yaku-barai/Yaku-yoke, please click here.