Aki-matsuri & Children’s Blessing (November 13th) 

September 19, 2021

Saturday, November 13th, 2021

We will hold Aki-matsuri, our Annaul Autumn Thanksgiving Festival and Children’s Blessing (Shichigosan).

Aki-matsuri is a once-a-year thanksgiving ceremony to show appreciation to Kami-sama who gave or helped us to harvest, to gain achievements, success and connections in the year, and ask Kami-sama for their continued blessings. So please join and show your appreciation, and pray to Kami-sama for next year.

Aki-matsuri archive video

Shichigosan is a ceremony that honors children, and dates back to the 17th century in Japan. It’s celebrated by families with children who are three, boys who are five, and girls who are seven. It’s a big day for the children who participate.

Children are dressed in their best traditional, age-appropriate clothes, and their parents take them to shrines to be blessed by priests. The parents and children both offer their thanks to the Kami-sama in appreciation. For the parents, this marks a significant step in their child’s life and one in which the parents are grateful for the child’s health and well-being. For details of Shichigosan, please visit our website

If you are interested in participating in Aki-matsuri, and/or would like to request Shichigosan ceremony or Gokitō in person,
please make an appointment using our contact page.
People who come and pray in person, and request goshuin,
may obtain them on the day of the ceremony.

To participate in Aki-matsuri, Shichigosan, or gokito in person, please make a reservation using our contact page. Participants in person who request goshuin may obtain them at the ceremony.

Let’s pass along these eco-conscious traditions to the next generation.

When: Saturday, November 13th, 2021
10:00 am – 10:30 am Aki-matsuri
10:30 am – 3:00 pm Children’s Blessing and Gokitō

Where: Patio at Miyako Hybrid Hotel (21381 S. Western Ave., Torrance CA 90501)

Notice: the Children’s Blessing Kimono Photo package is no longer available! To be added to the wait list, please use our contact page
Children’s Blessing Kimono Photo package:
3 years old – $390
5 years old – $390
7 years old – $450
Kimono rental
Gift from shrine.
For a Visit Record and Milestone Album add $20.
If you have a Milestone Album, be sure to bring it.

Yakubarai, Anzan, Recovery from illness etc.
All available times for these ceremonies are booked; please contact us if you would like to have a ceremony at a different time.
Gokitō is still available from $100 via Zoom on another day, or $160 on the day of Aki-matsuri.

Did you achieve what you want this year?
Did you have success this year?
Did you make great connections this year?

In Japan, we request Gokitō ceremony for these blessings to tell appreciation to Kami-sama. It is called Shin-on kansha or Kaerimoushi ceremony.
Aki-matsuri and/or autumn season is the good time to hold this type of ceremony.

Please make an appointment if you are interested in requesting the Gokitō ceremony.
Please use our contact page

Please contact us to make
an appointment or for more information.

Looking For Volunteers
for Aki-matsuri & Shichigosan

This is a great opportunity to learn about Shinto and
get school credit!

Volunteers needed — help to set up/take down the altar, check in/out participants, etc..
Volunteers have 2 shifts.
Morning shift: 8am to 1pm
Afternoon shift: 1pm to 6pm
Location: Miyako Hybrid Hotel
(21381 S. Western Ave., Torrance CA 90501)
For details, please contact us
We are registered 501(c) 3 organization.
Your volunteer work can be credited for community work at your school.

Previous Children’s Blessing

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